I’m not a beast.

I was frustrated with myself tonight. I was mid-workout and struggling. Like stru-guh-ling. Sweaty, weak, modifying moves. Knowing I should be doing better. I should be able to do more. I should use the heavier weights, I should last longer, I shouldn’t be so tired, I should be killing the burpee/plank/renegade row…


The what?!

First of all, a burpee alone is hard enough. So he wants me to burpee right into a plank, then lift weights while holding my body weight up then jump (yes jump) up and lift again??? All from a guy called “The Beast”? 


Why am I being so hard on myself?

I got four hours of sleep last night. And not many more the last three nights prior. I work full time and have a one year old and three step kids. I I got home tonight and unpacked my bag, unpacked the baby’s daycare bag, loaded the dishwasher, picked vegetables from the garden, packed my lunch for tomorrow, dinner, nursed, read stories, put the baby to bed, and then went straight into a workout with the Beast. On four hours of sleep. 


Maybe I AM a beast! OK let’s not get carried away… But I should at least give myself credit for even attempting the burpee/plank/row/lift/renegade/weight/thingymajig. And shouldn’t all of us mamas? Shouldn’t we all be giving ourselves credit for all the things we DO do every day and all of the things we rock, instead of getting down on ourselves about what we didn’t do and aren’t so great at? Shouldn’t we stop comparing ourselves to what those other women on Facebook are doing and just give ourselves a simple pat on the back once in a while? The answer, if you’re not sure, is yes. Yes we should. Celebrate our winnings, our gains, our baby steps. Build each other and ourselves up. Bring out the Beast in all of us!

On that note, I’m going to pour a well earned glass of wine. Because I deserve it. Because I’m a beast. And you’re a beast. We’re all beasts! Now go modify those burpee things as much as you want!